When I had children, I was given advice that I would appreciate for years to come: “take photos often”. It seems like one day you’re anticipating what your baby will be like and the next day you’re packing their lunch for school. Capturing those incredible moments in between is such a meaningful way to treat yourself. Looking at the photos and remembering that newborn smell takes you right back to the magic. Hiring a photographer is the best way to create images you will adore for decades to come.

Whether you want to take photos to commemorate a birthday or graduation, there are a few reasons hiring a photographer is your best bet.

  1. A PHOTOGRAPHER IS A PROFESSIONAL: A photographer has the proper equipment, often studio space, and real experience shooting in and around your local area. They take care with their equipment, which can mean updating cameras, lenses, and keeping up on latest trends. They’ve photographed hundreds if not thousands of clients, they are ready to help you look your best. Photographers usually have a wide variety of props. You may need muslin newborn wraps, stuffed animals, cozy pillows, flowers, big numbers, or prop cakes. Not only does a professional photographer typically offer props, they have the expertise to help you choose the look you’re aiming for. 
  2. PHOTOGRAPHY IS A PASSIONATE LABOR OF LOVE: A good photographer starts working once you book your session; thinking, planning, and dreaming up ways for you to get the shots you want. For example, a shoot for a family would spark questions like: “is there a special place you always go sledding that we can use for a location?” or “is there a sport that binds the family interests together?” Let’s make it personal, each person is special, families are all different and that is what makes the world so wonderful and interesting. Let's capture that!
  3. GET IT BOOKED, MAKE IT OFFICIAL, IT'S MORE LIKELY TO HAPPEN: Booking a photography appointment gives the session the best chance of happening! We all want things, and life gets busy. Things are always packing our calendars with events we can’t control. My husband and I recently realized, “we can't, we’re busy” is an excuse we use all too often. So, we made the choice to stop allowing that to be a showstopper for us. It has really made a difference! Book it, make it one of those things you can’t miss! 
  4. PHOTOGRAPHY IS ART: Like any art, it takes practice and passion. Any artist can attest to the amount of hours they have put into their craft in order to make it their own. It’s one of the most satisfying things about being an artist. Each of us cares deeply about quality. The awesome thing about portraits is that I also find myself connecting with my clients because, as my subjects, their vision is invaluable to me. I love working with people so much! I am so lucky to be able to get to know so many people. Those magic moments with my clients are probably my favorite part of being a photographer. This truly is my dream job. 
  5. EDITING: Given that most photography is digital these days, editing is so important. A photographer has the tools and skills to fine-tune an image and even edit a jelly stain off a toddlers white shirt (has happened). We can play with color contrast for a more artsy feel to your images, blur out a background, and sharpen the foreground. The finishing touches I process right before I deliver my product are so much fun. I love looking at the images from a shoot and knowing we met all of our goals! In fact, even after delivery, I still love to go back and look. 

It may not seem like hiring a professional photographer is in the budget, but there is no price that can be placed on the past. There is no better way for our memories to play in our minds than by looking at a high-quality photo of something or someone so dear to us. Go ahead, book your session, plan your outfits, attend the shoot, and print your photos! You’ll thank me later.